Surprise… I am posting on a Wednesday! Today is World CP Day! YAY!! I decided to celebrate by coming up with my “10 Reasons I Love Having CP” List.
10. Palsy begins with the same letter as- you know what’s coming- PURPLE!!!
9. Before my speech became pretty easy to understand, I spelled out words when I spoke to people who couldn’t understand me. This led to me becoming such a wiz at spelling that I won several Spelling Bees in elementary school.
8. I can eat whatever I want and stay slim and trim(gotta love those involuntary muscle movements!).
7. I had a very eventful birth that makes for a great story!
6. I know that not being able to speak is not the same thing as having nothing to say.
5. Since writing with pencil and paper was always painful and time-consuming, I just learned how to memorize everything – a definite perk when studying for final exams!
4. To those without CP, a typewriter is an outdated method of written communication. To those with CP, a typewriter is a paintbrush. See a video of beautiful landscape portraits created with a typewriter by clicking here.
3. I know that regardless of the severity or type of one’s disability, everyone has something to contribute to the world.
2. I am reminded of the following truth everyday:
“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
And drum roll please….. The number one reason I love having CP is:
1. CP is part of what makes me who I am and I am PHENOMENAL! 🙂